Posted by: Dana Nassau | February 28, 2012

Modern-Day Idol

I gave up chocolate for lent last year and I’ve taken it a step further this year and eliminated desserts altogether.  I suppose after being off sweets for the last third of my pregnancy I gave myself permission to indulge (read “go hog wild”).    Yes, I’m pretty sure Scott only had a few pieces from that pound of hand-picked See’s candy.  But really (you think I’m kidding?), I have discovered in this last week that I am using chocolate as a drug or an idol or maybe just a mood booster.  When I’m exhausted or frustrated I find myself longing for just a little piece of chocolate.  And that is why I am thankful to be celebrating Lent this year.  Because it sure seems a lot simpler for me to self-medicate than to stop and ask God to give me strength.  This is what idolatry is about, isn’t it?  Seeking strength, sufficiency, help from someone or something other than God. 

Father, help me to seek you when I have need.  Help me to rely on you to be my peace, my strength, and my joy.  You are sufficient for me and more than sufficient.  Keep me from small-mindedness and lack of Your vision for my life.


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